Have you met your consumer of 2021?
More than 12 million players logged in for Fortnite's concert featuring Travis Scott.
Image: GamingOverdosePlus
A consumer that changed forever, get to know her before she walks out of sight!
A covid-fatigued world is beginning 2021 still in an anxious mood. There is no clear end in sight, but hopes of a speedy vaccination gives us all new energy.
It's true, 2020 was the weirdest year we ever lived since the 2008’s financial crisis and it's lasting change. But out of this radical disruption from all sides, routines and consumption patterns that were supposed to change somewhere around 2030 happened in a matter of months.
Unprecedented change happened for everyone around the world. And yet, we survived. Somehow, parents were able to combine remote-working with home-schooling; elderly people discovered e-commerce to do their grocery shopping; singles hosted digital house parties to keep love life interesting; and the youngest raced to Fortnite and attended massive digital concerts with friends.
Only superheroes adapt this fast.
Now, out of the ashes of crisis, a new type of consumer is born: the Post-Pandemic Superhero. A Digital-first consumer that is far more aware about his footprint, and looks for control more than ever. In 2021, successful brands have to realign with these new behaviors and find a new way to operate, engage, and deliver value to this new consumer. The post-pandemic superhero reshapes and adapts to the new situation: with much better digital skills, new consumption patterns and higher sustainability demands.
This is the first of a series of articles in which we are going to zoom in on the routines, motivations, ambitions and consumption behavior of the Post-Pandemic Superhero.
Routines: It’s digital that keeps life interesting. The most obvious aspect of the post-pandemic superhero is the digital lifestyle, as the online customer base grows and Gen Z is more open-minded to purely digital platforms.
Ambitions: Taking control over life by doing it themselves. As Starbucks crowdsources ideas, consumers and brands are discovering new ways of creating value. The new shoppers are highly creative and want to interact with brands that understand them, they want to be heard and be a part of the creative process.
Consumption: conscious living becomes a mass attitude. Consumers rethink their consumption in the wake of climate change. Apple and Amazon provide refurbished products, as consumers buy more sustainable options.
Motivations: Decline of trust and in continuous search of the truth. AI seems to haven taken control over our lives: fake news are hard to distinguish from real and polarised opinions on what matters blur our sight. Consumers are looking for the truth.
The Post-Pandemic Superhero - ktc
Ask yourself the following questions, to kickstart 2021:
Home working people use different platforms and tools now. Have you mapped your new customer profile and routines so your advertising budget is well spent?
Technology has replaced several physical touch points in your customer journey. Have you mapped out customer journey disruption for this new consumer and designed new services?
E-commerce mixes perfectly with physical stores. Have you aligned your e-commerce to these fast changes?
Want the full insight? Join the Post-Pandemic Superhero Webinar.
On the 20th of January at 4pm CET, meet us online to understand the full profile of this customer, learn how to align your product, services and marketing initiatives and draw business value from engaging with her.
Get to know her before she walks out of sight!
For more information, check our pages below:
Post-Pandemic Routines: it’s digital that keeps life interesting.
The most obvious aspect of the post-pandemic superhero is the digital lifestyle, as the online customer base grows and Gen Z is more open-minded to purely digital platforms. Learn about routines of the new consumer, in which it’s digital that keeps things interesting.